Thursday, 26 May 2011

Money can buy you more than love

There is a new trend amongst British footballers. Have an affair with a smoking hot model/actress/socialite and cover it all up with a super injunction.

The definition of a super injunction:

"An injunction obtained in the secret convening of the court where in the result, the court file, the names of the parties and even the terms of the injunction order are secret except as between the parties, counsel, the judge and the court staff"

Thank you dictionary. In layman's terms, if any form of public media expose the "dirty business" these footballers get up to, they get sued for a lot of money.

So, if you are a rich footballer who can't keep his dick in his pants and happen to shag the flavour of the month and want to prevent the world (never mind your wife and 2 kids) from finding out, you pay your lawyers and the courts lot of money to impose a super injunction.


The clear message to society then is: if you are stinking rich you can have affairs. If you're poor, you're fucked.

I don't want to mention the footballers name in this post (who knows, maybe they're watching, haha, that's a negative) with the latest case involving what many regarded to be the role model in British football.

It's believed that the footballer concerned had a 7 month affair with former Big Brother house mate, Imogen Thomas (pictured below). Portraying himself as a family man, being married with 2 children, he logically imposed a super injunction to prevent the news spreading.

Whoa! Are those free range?

However, social network site Twitter was spreading the news faster than Michael Schumacher in a Bugatti Veyron on the Autobahn.

Jokes about the affair have already circulated, with 2 catching my attention.

The first belongs to Jimmy Carr who posted on Twitter, "They say money can't buy you love. That's not true, it'll not only buy you love but a super injunction so no one finds out".

Another tweet read, "I tried to download the new Imogen Thomas sex tape but it was 11 gig's".

Oops, that slipped.

The super injunction law seems a bit outrageous, allowing theses cavalier footballers to act without a certain amount of consequence . I understand that everyone has the right to their privacy but if you are in the public eye you need to obey certain moral standards or suffer the consequences.

Look at poor Tiger.


1 comment:

  1. Agreed. The press should drag this fucker through the mud. Rob from MTown
